Thursday, August 31, 2006

Hello and welcome

My name is Dale and I am glad your here.
I am seriously interested in photography and watercolor painting. Film phototography and Chinese Brush painting to be clearer. I have opinions and works to show for your opinions in both mediums. So please feel free to critique and share with me.

"Man Walkin in the Rain " 2004

This photo is one of my favorites. It is that "decisive moment" that Cartier-Bresson called for in his photographs. The picture must be made or it will be gone.

Bird and Bug 2006

I have had some smaller success with the brush painting . This one seems to work alright for me.


At Thursday, September 07, 2006 12:38:00 AM, Blogger "van Vliet" Art Blog said...

Nice simple rendering. I like that the bird has caught its dinner.


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