Thursday, September 07, 2006
Night Pictures
I was out at arownd 4:30 am and I thought Id make a picture of the tree under this street light.

Just as I finised setting up my camera and tripod this fellow "Lil Phil" comes walking along.
So I asked him to stand by the tree. He did and I shot using a flash an 30s timer. He then began to walk away thinking the picture was done.

I was only able to call after him and ask his name "Lil Phil" is all he said. Not seen him since.

Painting for Chloe

A painting I've done for my grandaughter Chloe. "Pink Flamingo under the Tirquoise Tree."

My daughter Abby likes elephants so this is my painting for her.
I take pictures to study by. Not nessesarily to paint from. This is a study of textures and line. I may make a rendering of this but not a duplicate. Or I just need it for the inspiration.